
Photo by Stephan Mu00fcller on Pexels.com

“You will have plenty to eat, and be satisfied, and will praise the name of the Lord, your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people will never again be disappointed.”

The Lord is so kind to us and knows it is hard for us to praise when we are hungry, thirsty and tired. He provides liberally for our temporal needs. He is our ever loving and glorious Lord and will not treat us harshly or put us through situations that we cannot handle. Some of those situation will be stressful and strenuous but we face them in the power of the Holy Spirit and not in our own strength. 

God gives us all things richly to enjoy and we should enjoy the things that He gives us in the course of our lives. There are some leaders who would restrict enjoyment and keep the people of God in penury to support their own empires and ideas. This is not God’s way and we resist the impulse to succumb to such folly. There are some who will force their nearest and dearest to suffer for someone else’s ideas and cause heartache and stress. This is not how God operates. 

God says we will have plenty to eat and be satisfied. We will praise His name for the provision and for the enjoyment of it. God deals with us generously and openly and we are so glad to know him and serve Him. He says that no one who follows Him or lives to praise His name will be disappointed. 

There are very great blessings to be had and known through repentance and faith, and the enemy of our souls will keep us blind and insensible with his lies and misrepresentations of the Loving God we serve. He presents God as some kind of spoil sport and we will live all our lives in misery and destitution if we should follow Him. There are some who live like this to their detriment and the detriment of their families, but this is not the way of God. We are to rejoice every day. We are to be happy in the Lord our God and experience His love through the moments of our days. 

Satan is a liar through and through and we listen to him at our own peril. He must not be allowed to steal your peace and joy in the Lord and to treat yourself in a cruel way. We are to be kind and that includes towards ourselves. 

“The merciful man does good to his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.”

Proverbs 11:17

The Lord deals wondrously with us and loves us beyond all our perceived loving and we take His blessings with the joy that He gives them…