

With your mighty arm you redeemed your people..” Psalm 77:15

The Holy Lord of heaven and earth has redeemed His people. No one else could do it. The people were dead in sins and all kinds of trespasses, and totally unable to choose or improve their lot. They were insensible to God and waiting for destruction, dead in every sense. But God, out of the riches of His mercy, came and suffered and died, paying the dreadful price for sins.

The righteous God died for unrighteousness people and made a way for them to be brought into His own family. As He reached out to them, the Holy Spirit enlightened the mind and heart and the person was given the faith to believe and a life-changing power turned the person for death to life. The Holy God was able to resurrect that person, just as God the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day. All those who possess this life are marked for God and an eternal life with Him.

All this, God did. It is His will and power that has acted in this way towards His chosen people. This is His mighty arm. It took this amazing plan and purpose to work this salvation. If He had not done so,there is no salvation. We would never choose Him and all humankind would be lost in its corporate and particular sins.

Do not carp and quibble. If you don’t want to loose out, throw down your weapons and repent. Don’t allow false arguments to keep you out of heaven.

“Seek the Lord, while He is near. Call upon Him, while He can be found…”