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“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to the Lord.”

It can be much easier to remember words when they are set to a tune. The rhyme structure in hymns is very helpful to remember and the words can be a great comfort to us as we say them in our head or sing them. It is wonderful how they come to mind at the right time and how God can bring words to our remeberance to help us in the situations of life. 

The practice of learning Scripture by heart is also extremely helpful for it will come back into the mind at the right time. God will bring these things to our mind, so that the Holy Spirit can use them for our glory and encouragement. We also encourage each other with these words and bring them to our memory and rehearse the truths of God in Scripture and in verse. 

Singing is such a great activity. It exercises the mind, the heart and voice to the glory of God. It lifts the spirits and cheers the gloomy days with the joy of the Lord. We can sing or listen to Christian music which lifts our mind to the Lord. 

Should we listen to Christian music only?

This is a delicate issue. We should listen to what is helpful to us and encourages us in the Lord. Sometimes secular music can be helpful and it soothes the troubled mind and soul, but much of it has unhelpful lyrics that can make our heart cold and divert our attention to something else rather than the truths of God. Too much of it will affect our mindset and divert our thinking into ungodly ways and thought patterns. The secular words will drown out the Word of God and we will find ourselves singing and reciting the words of the godless sentiments that are not helpful to our soul. 

We encourage each other in the Lord and put His truth first and foremost in our lives and we will reap the harvest of comfort and good cheer. This will reinforce the grace of God towards us and be a constant reminder of our dear Saviour and friend and all that He means to us. If we entertain the ungodly words and music it will not benefit us much and will indeed take us away from thinking about the Lord and all that He is and has done for us.

The constant sound of romance songs is very unhelpful and will divert out thinking to things we don’t need to consider or rehearse. They can take us away from the reality of the love relationships in our life and concoct a false kind of thinking about what love is. We can find ourselves thinking falsely about love and live our thought life in a fantasy land, which is detrimental to our psyche and the reality of love in our life. We rehearse the things of God and the realities of the spiritual life, which will strengthen our soul and fill us with good thoughts and the remembrances of the truths of God. This bolsters up the mind and heart and will help us to fight temptation and sin that would overtake our life and cause of hurt. 

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..” 

We do all we can to propagate the Word deep in our soul and keep our mind as the mind of Christ.