

God allows us to minister, so that He can minister to us. We minister to each other, so that Christ can minister through us. Christ ministers to us, so that we learn to minister. We minister to Him, because He delights to know our love. We love Him with His own love.

To deny people the ability and opportunity to minister is not godlike or godly… we need to minister, so we can experience Christ in our daily lives. It gives us meaning and purpose and opportunities to use the gifts God gives us.

The Lord our God is holy. He needs nothing. Yet He loves the praises of His people. He loves it that we offer sacrifices of praise for His glory. He knows it comes from the inner workings of His Holy Spirit, and it is pleasing to Him that we serve Him.

Although we might feel we don’t need help or support from fellow believers, yet it is seemly to accept the serving with joy. God does not want us to live remote lives, but to minister to each other as He would minister to us, and accepts our offerings to Him.

To minister before the Lord is the work of every Christian. We are kings and priests to God. Through all the countless ages of eternity, we will serve and adore and enter into our true home state. How perfect to serve the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. How great the outpouring of lives redeemed and sanctified for such service. To find the place He intends for us, is true peace of heart.