Open your mouth


Psalm 81:10-11 NIV “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me.”

God asserts who He is. He is the Lord our God. The Deliverer. The keeper of His promises. He never fails and His Word stands sure. He tells us to open our mouths wide and He will fill it.

This is an analogy using the picture of small birds in the nest who waits for the adult bird to come with their food. When the mother or father come near the nest, they know to open their beaks and receive the food. This is a picture of prayer. When our faith is wide and strong, we pray with large requests. We petition the Father with great asking and know He will answer. He answers more than we could think or imagine. We plead for great mercies, needs, and people who are lost and we earnestly expect the answer. We come into His presence with our sins and failures and seek cleansing and power to live truly. We have liberty and joy as we ask and prayer is real and vibrant. O to live in these days…

Faith asks and the answer brings forth praise. We praise the one who has so loved us, listened to us and answered so graciously. Our heart fills with joy and our mouths open in worship to Him who loves us and has washed us. Praise flows freely from redeemed lips and echoes the eternal praises of God’s people in the eternal home. 

But this is not always so. Too many languish in doubt and disobedience. The mouths are open in complaint and regret. The outpouring is displeasing to God and the Spirit is quenched. We can find ourselves in this pitiful state too easily. The promises are not heeded and the reality of faith is not valued. We do not rehearse the blessings of God and so we disobey and grumble. When our mouths are shut against the Lord, or open in moans and groans, we miss out. We displease Him.

God entreats us to seek His face and enjoy all the pleasures and treasures of life in the Holy Spirit, but we refuse. We prefers dust and the cold comfort of Stoicism. Perhaps the picture of the small birds is not how we see ourselves. We regard ourselves as sophisticated and complex characters. Jesus says, we must come to God as little children. There is no other way to relate to Him. We need Him and are totally dependant on His mercy and provision. 

Put aside our pride and open our mouths wide, and wait on our glorious God to fill us with all good things.