Resurrection day…


JESUS rose from the dead and conquered sin and death and hell. All things are under His feet and He is crowned with glory and honour forever. This world many carp and quibble and defame His name, but He is all glorious. Puny people will make no difference to His power. High people will never bring Him down or stop His building the Kingdom of God.

All sin is put away and Jesus offers free and full forgiveness to all who will bow their knees to Him. Jesus is Lord of all, wether we like it or not, or wether we recognise Him for who He is or not.

We are offered everything, but we prefer and choose nothing. We feel comfortable, but it is an illusion in the real terms of eternity. When we suffer, we remain so slow to seek the only one who can help us in a real way.

Jesus is Lord… If His creatures will not cry out His praise, then the inanimate objects in the environment will. The houses, walls and stones in the ground will sing the praises of the Lord of glory.

Sinful people accuse; use His good works to mock Him; humiliate the Lord of heaven and earth; reject His love and mercy. This is the pity of the human race and its ultimate condemnation.

Complete forgiveness is offered to human wretches- grasp it, believe and know peace with God.