

Are you getting tired as the days go by. The duty of it all is getting you down and things are becoming routine and predictable. The same old hum-drum as you do the daily round of reading the scriptures and praying to the Father. You have read these words so many times before, and it is just so tiresome reading the same old things. Prayer is difficult, as its hard to remember the people and things you should be praying for. You are feeling the attraction of other pursuits- novels, social media, television- they are so interesting and deal with the issues of the day…

Maybe you have lost sight of the beauty of your Lord. You have forgotten or stopped dwelling on His mercy to you. Your earthly, human, tendencies have become prominent and the spiritual seems less attractive. If prayer is difficult, we forget to push through the lethargy barrier and labour on until the Spirit of God over rules the weakness of the psyche.

Do not linger too long in this wilderness of sin. Take your sins and burdens to the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken and the promise He made to you when you first come to Him is forever true. Shake off the lazy, complacent thoughts and re-align yourself to Him again. Ask the Spirit to give you power to fight and the desire to overcome. Really this is a battle for motivation. Motivation to put down the grasping of my selfish self, and to earnestly seek spiritual motivation to stay close to Christ.

You cannot do this alone. When we wander, the enemy is right there on our shoulder and he will do whatever he can to keep you on the back foot. He will tempt, annoy, accuse and blame you in all aspects of your life. The Christian needs Christ every step of the way and we can never lay off following Him. The battle is fierce and we dare not lay off the fight, as we fight that spiritual war against evil powers in our world. Our remit is to rescue and keep ourselves in the way of Christ.

Without the Word the Christian is lost. There is no substitute. If we leave off reading and meditating and allowing the Holy Spirit to infiltrate our being, we are ultimately weak. Without prayer, we have no oxygen on which to live for God. We will flounder and fail and become so miserable as we try to live without the Holy Spirit. As a Christian I will not lose the Spirit, but my thoughts and words and lazy deeds, will grieve Him into silence. To grieve that blessed one, is folly.

Do not let fear and disillusionment drag you down into the pit of darkness, but reach out to Him, who is always near, and He will help you and bring you close to His person.

If you are a Christian, that is your most precious place. That is where we are happy and motivated and empowered to do His will for His glory’s sake…