
“For in him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily,”

Here was have the certainty that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the trinity of God. He is not just the man Christ Jesus, but all the fullness of God dwells in Him, in His character and physical being. In His body He is no less God than before the incarnation and Jesus lost nothing of His authority, power and glory, by taking on a human body. The Lord Jesus Christ is the very God, the maker of the ends of the earth and the Redeemer of human souls. He has the right and power to forgive sin, for He has paid its terrible price on the cross. He is the Saviour of the world and the Judge of all the earth.

Within the confines of the physical body of Christ lives the full power of the Holy Spirit and the divine nature and power of the Son of God. In becoming a man, He in no way set aside any of His divine attributes but veiled His glory that He might live among us and die to be our Saviour and Lord. We see a glimpse of that glory at the Transfiguration, where the glory of the Lord shone out from Him and was revealed to the few disciples who were there at that time. We see the pure love of the suffering Saviour as He hung on the cross and laid down His life for His own. We see His power set forth in the resurrection, when the Lord of Life raised Himself as the eternal God and glorious Son of the Father. He is the conqueror of death and hell and no one can stand in His presence without righteousness.

God is found wholly in Christ. The person who does not seek Christ does not seek God. The one who is not satisfied with Christ, desires something more than God! We convey our foolishness in rejecting the Lord Jesus, for there is no one above Him and no one else like Him.

If we possess Christ, we have the Father also. If Christ is in us, then we are indwelt by the eternal God and are redeemed and chosen beings who reflect His glory and are made to be like Him.

“Whoever denies the Son, the same doesn’t have the Father. He who confesses the Son has the Father also.”

1 John 2:23