

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”  James 4:8

Without the cleansing of the blood of Christ we are still sinners. Without the shedding of His blood, there is no remission or payment for personal sin.

With unholy hearts we cannot think straight and we choose the wrong way. Without the purity of the Spirit of God, we are hypocrites – living one way or the other depending on the company we find ourselves in.

Without the Spirit of God dwelling in us in a full and rich way, we remain infants and unable to discern the deep things of God, or make wise decisions. The Christian is different to other people and she grows in grace, knowledge and wisdom. Without this filling and close personal relationship with God, we are unable to grow and remain unclear in our thought processes.

Draw near. He invites you. Become clean and righteous so that He Himself will draw near to you and you can have sweet fellowship with the Father in heaven. Become wise in the ways of God, so that you can walk this world in the certainty of complete trust in God.