Sovereign God

“He who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, he who opens and no one can shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says these things:”

Revelation 3:7

The Lord our God is a holy God. There is no imperfection in Him. Every decision He makes and every law He utters is righteous and true. This is speaking of the Lord Jesus, the Eternal Son of the Living God. Jesus holds the keys to death and hell and is the Saviour of the world, soon to be its judge. He holds the keys to the kingdom of God, which is given to Him, with a people for His names sake, which are the Christian believers through all time, who have had a change of heart from sin to righteousness. He has the key of David, who as the greatest earthy king, and denotes Jesus the Lord as the King of all Kings and the Lord over all. He gives the understanding of the Word and opens the deadened mind to understand the deep things of God.

Whatever the Lord our God decides for us, is for the best and for our good. We bow our knees and our will to His sovereign will and know that he is in control and will work all things for our good. Whatever He opens no one can shut and whatever he closes, no one can open. All power and decision belong to Him alone.

Christ opens the door of the heart to believe and accept Him. He opens the doors of opportunity for us to hear the gospel and opportunities to believe. May we not pass them over. He opens the doors of churches to preach His word and proclaim the gospel to a lost world. He opens the lips of the Christian to speak for Him and tell others the good news that they can be forgiven and enter heaven triumphantly.

God closes the door of opportunity, for He will not always call us, and should we continually refuse, the door of opportunity will close. Our hearts are then closed to Him and He will harden them and keep us out of the kingdom. He closes the ears of some so that they do not hear the words of love and salvation and they will refuse to come. The things of this life take over, as we preferred them to the presence of the Lord. This is a dire state to be in and we must come when He calls us and not procrastinate or fly to a false Saviour or refuge.

The church that this is addressed to is a church that is faithful and holy and has kept itself from error and the influence of the world. The Christians have some strength, but not much. They are constrained to build their strength in the Lord, strengthen their faith and be bold in the face of danger. Some of these Christians faced death for the sake of Christ, and gave glory to God in the face of this terrible end. They were given the grace to go through these trials and be over comers.

God also softened the hearts of enemies to accept the gospel, by the faithful and loving witness of Christian people and the church is able to grow. To those who have, more shall be given. There are rewards for believers and for those who overcome, by the blood of the Lamb, and are victorious in life and death for the sake of Christ, as he was victorious for us. So we emulate the Saviour in all we do for His sake and glory.

This is God’s will, that we overcome and grown in grace and faith and power. This we do through the inner working of the Holy Spirit and the strong guidance of the mighty God. He is able to save to the uttermost all who are His, and we follow Him to the very end conclusion of our faith.

If God is calling you, do not delay. He is sovereign over all things and will watch over you and guide you continually. Bring your sins to Him, for only He can deal with them. Only He is able to forgive because of the payment He made on the cross at Calvary for sin. He is the sin-bearer and the Saviour of all who believe.

To put this off is folly, for tomorrow is never guaranteed and today is the day of salvation.

“Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked man forsake his own way and the unrighteous man his own thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that He may have compassion, and to our God, for He will freely pardon.”

Isaiah 55:6-7