
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

“The seeds rot under their clods. The granaries are laid desolate. The barns are broken down, for the grain has withered.”

The crops are gone. The produce, the growth and the seeds have rotted in the ground, so there will be no other possibility for a harvest.

If the people are to be saved it will be by the hand of the Lord alone. 

…for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God..”

Ephesians 2:4

It is exactly the same for us today. Before we come to Christ there is not even the seed of saving faith in our lives, but only sinfulness, selfishness and hostility towards the Lord. There must be a work of God’s amazing grace in our hearts, minds and souls if we are to be saved. We must acquiesce. We need to repent of our ways and succumb to the love and mercy of the only Saviour of our souls. Jesus has paid the price already and all we have to do is trust in Him and what He has done for us. It is so easy, and yet so difficult for us to give in to Him. 

Beloved, all we have is sin and death, but Christ or Lord offers us life and peace. Let us embrace Him and all that He offers to us in His mighty love. He will bring the harvest out of the desolation in our souls and give us spiritual life. His ways are ways of pleasantness and all His paths are peace…