

I am a great sinner and I need a great Saviour. When the great sinner realises the enormity of her sinfulness and sin, her love for that Saviour becomes enormous. Our difficulty is we don’t understand the enormity of our sins. They are completely forgiven and forgotten by God. He never blames us or even brings up our failures. We are free to choose not to sin and to follow the way of Christ, and we become righteous people choosing righteousness. But we should never forget what we have been forgiven from. Our debt to the Saviour Christ is incalculable. The price that was paid for our freedom, was beyond anything we will ever understand.

Our sin may never bother us again, but we should remember that we were once washed by the very blood of Christ the perfect Saviour. Never loose sight of the fact that He has to give up everything to pay the price for those sins that we do blithely tolerate. He did not save Himself, so that we could be saved. Without that crucial washing from sin and from sinful ways, we can never be clean. No amount of water, detergent or bleach will do it!
Souls need blood applied to get rid of the deep stains.

We are extremely dear people! How highly He values us. It is very hard to understand why. Five minutes into the day and we are already filthy.! How much we need the cleansing and how weakly we pursue it.

Take time every Sunday at least, to consider Him…
“Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 NIV

If we do not consider Him, we will not endure that race set before us, because we will have no heart.
What a Saviour! Our redeemer, Lord and God