The Black horse


“And behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a balance in his hand.”

Revelation 6:5

The Lamb has opened the seal of the book, as He is the only worthy one to do so. Now, coming riding out from the pages, is a Black horse, full of power and destruction. He has the power to destroy commerce and business and can bring the nations into destitution and destitution. He will destroy the world through the havoc he wages on the markets of the commercial area of life, and bring people into poverty and famine. The wheat and barley are the staple of life and are made so expensive that no-one can buy them or afford them to support their own life. Life is becoming very thin. People are dying for lack of basic foods. The oil and the wine are unaffected.

This is how nations are brought down. This is how the spite of the enemy attacks the souls of mortal women and men destroys them. The wine is spared for it is also a destroyer. We lack real food and eat junk and fill our minds with the dullness of alcohol to stem the tide of boredom and pain. Societies are ruined by this and whole communities are lost to the demon of drinking too much. We fill our souls with the media and the junk food that is spewed out to us through television and other media sources. We are languishing and we don’t know it or recognise it. The dark rider is polluting our lives and our minds and we must waken up and face His strategies.

We are facing spiritual famine like never before since the dark ages. We are facing persecution on a grand and subtle scale, as is written about the church at Smyrna. They faced poverty and oppression in the physical and spiritual sense, and we face it in a spiritual and mindset sense too. We are assaulted every day by advertising, media, news on radio and televisions, not to mention the crass and low programmes on that medium. Our spiritual life is being sawn asunder by the powers of hell and our lives are being ruined by the onslaught of this rider on the Black horse. He is destroying everything and we are letting him do so in the name of progress.

All is vanity and pride. the hidden things of darkness are now made manifest and accepted by so called “Christian” organisations and groups. The church is in a bad state and no one speaks. We are persecuted and don’t even know it. The breath of our spiritual life is slowly being strangled out of us, and we accept it as the normal progress of things. It is the normal progress of the world, which is down. We are living in unprecedented days. We have so much and so little at the same time. The rider on the Black horse is destroying the fabric of commerce and we are overtaken with disease and famine, of body and soul. Christians have lost their eyes to see it, for like the church in Ephesus, we have left our first love and have sunk down into gradual depravity of soul. Our Lord Jesus is not so precious to us and we are not looking to the skies where He will surely come soon.

The church now accepts all sorts of false doctrine, and error is everywhere. The people, are not taught, so there is no discernment. To search for truth is very difficult because the media has become so contaminated. The place to seek the Lord has ceased to become church and people are facing the spiritual famine with no reprieve and no hope of life. Where are we to go?

The Scripture is our only hope. We must fly to the Words of the only Saviour and seek Him in the pages of the Word of God. We must search for ourselves and glean what we can from the fields. Christians need to get strong in the Lord and go out and spread the Word from street to street and for person to person. The war is now hand to hand combat and the days of big works is over. We must build again from the ground up if we are to rescue our precious societies.

Only the Word of God can stop the Black horse with its rider.