
“This is the boldness which we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he listens to us.”

It is no empty title to belong to the family of God. We are given immense privileges and advantages to being legally brought into the holy family of heaven. When we belong to God we have access into the throne room of heaven to speak with our Father God, because of what Jesus our brother has done for us. He has bourn away all our sin and all our shamefulness and makes us worthy to speak to the Living God. We can come into His holy presence and ask things of Him. We ask according to His will and He hears us. If we ask in the name of Jesus, God will hear us.

“If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it.”

John 14:14

This verse presupposes that we know His will, or that we know the Lord well enough to know what kinds of things we should be asking for. It is clear in this Scripture that we learn how to pray and what to pray for through the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and God teaches us how to pray, as Jesus taught His disciples. The Spirit teaches us the deep things of God from the Word of God, so that we know God as He is revealed to us.

The Holy Spirit gives us the boldness to speak and ask for all the mercy we require for our pains and troubles. He invites us to worship and adore the Lord and enter into divine communion with God through our prayers.

“You shall call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

Jeremiah 29:12

This amazing statement in this short verse should astound us. The majesty of the holy God is willing to listen to us and take account of our prayers in the outworking of His will. He will take note of us and answer all our prayers that are prayed under the proviso of His determinate will.

We can come with confidence that He will hear us and listen to us. He is our loving Father who has revealed Himself to us that we might believe in Him and know Him as our Lord and God. We know our friends through talking and sharing, and so also with God. As we talk to Him in prayer He hears us and will answer our prayers according to His will. We can come to Him with holy boldness that trusts in Christ and comes with the confidence that we are covered by the shed blood and now worthy to enter to the mercy seat to find help in times of need.

“Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace for help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16