The Word


Every Christian must know the Word of God. It is the touchstone of every avenue of life and necessary for every step along the road that leads to heaven. There is no life without it and we dare not face death void of it’s comfort. A Christian without the eternal Truth is not a Christian at all.

It is infallible, without error and the unsearchable riches of Christ himself. The depths of its wisdom cannot be plumbed, and yet every Christian can understand it, because they possess the Spirit within.

It is indecipherable to the soul still dead in sins, and a closed book to the enemies of God. Even though they look for understanding, it cannot be found without the insight of the Holy Spirit. Religious movements have tried to keep authority over others by using its message in a twisted way, and have sought to dim the eyes of the reader, but still the light always shines through. Though the demons of hell should try to keep human eyes blind, the Word becoming flesh has the healing art and a single word will resurrect the darkened soul.

There is no other book, nor gospel, that can make the blind see, the deaf to hear and and the lame to dance. We must learn it, rehearse its truth and proclaim the forgiveness of sins to every soul on earth. As we preach its messsage, miracles will happen- the stony heart will become soft and the dull mind will reason and faith will set us free.

Why is it kept closed? Why do we not search its pages to find the risen Christ? How can we call ourselves lovers of God, when we are so pale and shallow?

As I take up my Bible, Lord let me grasp the heights and depths of its meaning and permit me to see my Saviour, Jesus. Then I will seek Him and He will take me into His eternal kingdom, and I will take His life to myself, and I will be made new.