JESUS the cornerstone

Faith and fear blog

Peter and John walked past a lame man, as they walked through the temple. The man held out his hands for money…Peter explained he didn’t have any, but told the man, in JESUS name to get up and walk.. The man believed and DID…!

Everyone saw it and as Peter preaches about JESUS, many people of all types, believed.

Peter and John were put in prison and the next day called before the authorities… The authorities were angry because people were believing in JESUS and not following them.

They threatened Peter and John and wanted explanations. Peter said the man had been healed in JESUS name- the only one who could deliver people.

JESUS is the CORNERSTONE- the one necessary stone in the whole building of GOD’S Kingdom. He is the one who holds everything in place and holds the weight of every other stone.

He is our Saviour- though the leaders had rejected Him- they had killed him but JESUS is risen to life again.

JESUS is our trustworthy Lord and saves all who call out to Him in faith…